Lakshmipat Singhania Public School :: Curriculum


Lakshmipat Singhania Public School adopt and adept the CBSE philosophy and justifies education for all without discrimination of any sort in caste, creed, gender, ability etc. To a great extent the prime focus of Lakshmipat Singhania Public School is the same as the CBSE Board. Our school follows a content based curriculum which is driven by the latest technologies and teaching methodologies. The examination and evaluation processes are extremely dynamic to keep pace with the changing trends of research in education. We at Lakshmipat Singhania Public School work continuously on innovations in teaching-learning methodologies by devising student friendly and student centred systems.

We believe that education is for life and not for just passing the particular level of examinations. And so the curricula, the pedagogical practices and the wide choice of curricular and cocurricular activities offered helps the children grow into competent, qualified and productive human resources of the workplace of tomorrow. Children are given enough freedom as well as space along with a democratic set up to enable them to develop the power of introspection and the belief that along with freedom comes responsibility. The students are taught to know that that they are responsible for the choices they make, the decisions they take and the actions they get involved in.

Children are allowed to solve all sorts of problems through teamwork and collaboration. They learn the skills of learning for continuous and comprehensive improvement. The classroom teaching learning processes are designed to be enquiry oriented through interactive sessions to tickle their mind and create opportunities for processing information. In today's technology driven knowledge era, the above mentioned components are integral to the holistic development of children. Teachers in Lakshmipat Singhania Public School are moreover considered as facilitators in the true sense of the word. They guide and assist their students while providing the students with the required scaffolding so that the children can bring out their best potential.

Lakshmipat Singhania Public School truly believe that as a ‘healthy mind can be found in a healthy body’. Similarly a conducive, positive environment encourages a sensitive, self motivated and goal oriented citizen, who is proud of what and how he/she is. Our Schools open windows for the children to the outside world through Guest Lectures, Field Visits and Open Forums, through which children become more perceptive of the tough competition in the real world. We counsel our students to choose careers intelligently to ensure that children excel in whatever they do, all this again by introducing them face to face to people from all walks of life. The children are given ample time with their Class Teacher at the end of each day to discuss the days learning and the students transfer the home assignments to their school diary. The teachers imbibe in the student’s moral values, group and team feelings through discussions, play acting and games.

Pre primary Curriculum
The Pre-Primary wing includes the Nursery and Kindergarten classes. At Lakshmipat Singhania Public School pre primary learning is thematic and activity based. Here the main focus is given on building language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing), social, motor and kinaesthetic skills. Teaching is aimed at making learning fun and entertaining by the help of interactive smart classes. In a free and stimulating environment, children’s intellectual, physical, cultural, artistic and communication skills develop and flourish.

Primary Curriculum
The Primary Wing at Lakshmipat Singhania Public School includes classes I to V where academic subjects taught are English, Hindi,Odia, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Social Studies, General Science, Computers, General Knowledge and Value education.The teachers aim to build an interactive ambience where children may freely express their own opinions.

  • Stress-free and quality education is offered to the students which develops more interest for studying
  • Technology is used to make lessons, effective and enjoyable through interactive smart classes, PPTs and other audio visuals

Secondary and Higher Secondary Curriculum
These classes are considered to be the stepping stone for higher education. The academic curriculum hence is designed to instil a healthy respect for hard work and to develop sound formal study skills. The students are prepared for the rigorous academic requirements of the senior school, they are encouraged to do individual and group work, and become independent. Public speaking is encouraged, along with independent research work, as such activities helpsthe students to gain confidence and push their boundaries of knowledge even further. More focus is given to discipline and punctuality.

Subjects Taught:
English, Hindi, Computers, Mathematics, Social science, General Science, General knowledge, Value Education, Art and Craft etc.

Senior Secondary Classes: (Science)
As this is the most crucial stage of a student’s career at Lakshmipat Singhania Public School Optimum care is taken for the students of these classes. Apart of regular academics students are subjected to the preparation for various competitive examinations. Seminars, Guest lectures, Workshops, Career counselling etc. are conducted in regular intervals to take the students learning experience to the next level.

Subjects Taught : English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Biology and Physical Education

For CBSE curriculum please click below

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